10 Technology Product Design (Table C) 4 lessons per week for half a year (semester)
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Max Denisov.
The Technology course encourages students to understand and use processes and materials to create exciting, innovative solutions to technological problems. An introduction to basic coding is also covered in the course.
Students will work with a range of materials to design and make a product/project using their creativity and problem-solving skills. These skills will enable students to access a variety of Technology related courses available at Year 11. These courses are Technology Product Design, Building Carpentry and Digital Technology. Students will be introduced to a variety of skills, like: Freehand design drawing, technical drawing, coding with Scratch and workshop skills.
The main project for this course is the designing and making of a self driving car that needs to be programmed to go around a designated track. See link:
HoD approval
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
*10TP1* - Supplementary costs: Approx $45
Costs cover supplied stationery and project materials.