
11 Accounting 1

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Blair Gilbert.

Accounting enables students to understand, process and communicate financial information for both an individual and a wide variety of business entities. It promotes self-management of personal financial and spreadsheets skills that are essential in daily life. Students also develop the ability to apply financial knowledge and skills to practical situations. It provides the basis for the accurate processing of data into meaningful information which in turn is analysed and interpreted to assist a myriad of users of financial reports to make wise decisions.

This course will not offer any formal NCEA standards because Accounting will not be an independent NCEA subject with the introduction of the new NCEA.

This course will however, prepare students for the current Level 2 and onto Level 3 Accounting courses that are still formal NCEA subjects.


Has passed the NZQA numeracy corequisite exam

or HoF approval.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

*11AC1* - Supplementary costs: Approx $40
