Mt Albert Grammar School Mt Albert Grammar School

13 Classics Scholarship

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Greg Stevens.


Merit and/or Excellence grades at Level 2 Classics.

OR HoD approval with consideration of application and writing ability.

This is a course for enthusiastic Classics students wishing to extend themselves through further reading and in a timetabled class once a week to discuss aspects of the Classical world with a view to sitting the Scholarship examination at the end of the year. It is intended for students who are taking Year 13 Classics but entry is by the discretion of the HOD. Please register your interest in Classics Scholarship by selecting this option as a 'backup' course. Talk to your Social Science / Classics teacher if you want to get more information about what is involved. Remember, this is not a 4 period a week course, rather a one period a week tutorial.


Social Science

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

*13CSS* - Supplementary costs: Nil