Some students in Year 10 and all students in Years 11, 12 and 13 will be doing some school-based assessment as part of internal assessment for NCEA - Achievement Standards and/or Unit Standards. It is important that you are aware of the Assessment Procedures and Regulations at Mount Albert Grammar School.
Students can expect the following from each of their subject teachers:
- A Subject Course Outline Guide detailing the types and dates of assessments for each subject.
- The Guide to Assessment Procedures and Regulations for students and parents that outlines the school-wide procedures for assessment.
- Notification in class of upcoming assessments which should be given at least two weeks before an assessment occurs.
- Feedback on your progress when assessment occurs over a long period of time (eg several weeks). These are generally referred to as checkpoints.
Teachers can expect the following from students:
- Your work is handed in on time. All project-type assessments will be handed in by 3:30pm on the due date.
- If the deadline cannot be met, the student should see Mr Rivalland, Deputy Principal in charge of Assessment, before the due date. Evidence will need to be produced to show why the deadline was unable to be met e.g. a medical certificate.
- The work handed in must be your own.
- If your work is handed in late without reason, you will be awarded a “not achieved” grade.
Missed assessments:
- If an assessment is missed see the Deputy Principal in charge of Assessments as soon as possible.
- Written evidence must be produced to support your absence. A note from your parents is NOT enough. If you cite medical reasons for missing an assessment you will need a medical certificate for any illness or injury.
- If an assessment is missed you may be unable to get credit even if you have a good reason.
- If you believe you have been treated unfairly, discuss your concerns with the subject teacher first.
- If you are still concerned, talk to the relevant Head of Faculty.
- If you still believe you have been treated unfairly, then see the Deputy Principal in charge of Assessment.
- You need to be fully aware of the conditions under which extensions are given.