New Zealand Scholarship
Students who excel academically may also enter for a New Zealand Scholarship (as well as NCEA Level 3) in 1 or more subjects. The content of the Scholarship course is the same as for NCEA Level 3 but on top of that students will be expected to do independent work in greater depth. All assessments are external (i.e. exams) and are standards based.
The steps to follow in selecting your subjects for next year are
1. Do your research on the subjects you might take, requirements for NCEA and entrance to tertiary courses you may wish to enroll in. Talk to your teachers, Heads of Departments, etc. Talk your courses over with family, family friends, work contacts etc. Read the outline of the course
2. Complete the online subject selection - please note, that selection does not necessarily guarantee that a place will be available or that a course will run.
Following the release of NCEA results in January 2018, Year 11 & 12 students will be required to confirm your subject selections with your Deans prior to school starting in 2018.